Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Scottish Learning Festival 2010

The Scottish Learning Festival 2010  “Curriculum for Excellence: Enhancing Experiences, Raising Standards” will take place on 22-23 September 2010 at the SECC, Glasgow.

Why not take the opportunity to visit us our stand to learn more about Pearson Phoenix, and to explore the benefits that the latest version of our flagship MIS system e¹ has to offer.

We’ll be on the stand to answer any questions you may have and to highlight how is already giving Local Authorities and schools of all sizes a head start in meeting government requirements such as parental engagement and interoperability.

What this Learning Festival is about:

The Scottish Learning Festival is about teaching and learning and offers a number of opportunities to enhance the education profession by providing:
  • inspiration and new ideas
  • an opportunity to network with peers
  • a range of options to enhance the learning and teaching experience for all.
In addition, teachers want practical advice and ideas about effective use of ICT in their classrooms to improve the quality of learning and teaching.

The team at Pearson hope to see some of you there.

Date: 22-23 September 2010

Venue: SECC, Glasgow

Web: http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/slf/index.asp 

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